Are you interested in travelling to Odanadi in India or want to engage with activities in Sweden? You are more than welcome to contact us! For further information and to become a member, contact Sara Kelilnejad.
Telephone: 0046733821291 and e-mail:
On Facebook you can easily be updated about the activities we organize, join the group: Odanadi Sweden
Do you want to make wonders for Odanadi by donating money every month or just once? All amounts makes a different.
50 SEK 100 SEK 150 SEK 250 SEK 400 SEK
100% of the donations reaches to Odanadis work! 10% of the incomes goes directly to an saving crisis account for Odanadi to use for emergencies.
Support us by transferring donations to our SWISH: 123 006 18 95 and Swedbank bank giro number: 5099-6305
ॐ Teamwork makes the dream works ॐ